It seems perfectly fitting that my first blog post of Crime by the Book's second year in existence is dedicated to one of my favorite books: THE CROW GIRL by Erik Axl Sund. Today I’m thrilled to share a Q&A with writing duo Erik Axl Sund, discussing their brilliant crime book, their writing process, and what they're working on next! Read on for more information on THE CROW GIRL and our Q&A.
Read MoreQ&A: Emily Carpenter, author of THE WEIGHT OF LIES
Happy publication day to Emily Carpenter’s fantastic summer psychological thriller, THE WEIGHT OF LIES (6/6/17)! I’m thrilled to share a Q&A with Emily about her addictive, engaging suspense novel on the blog today. In this post you'll find: plot summary, links to my review of the book and the book's Amazon info, and of course, my Q&A with Emily!
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